5 minute read

Python’s syntax is very permissive, so it’s very easy to write bad code with Python. To standardize code writing, the Python developer community recommends a number of rules so that code is readable, readable by you but also by others. We will see in these article how you can improve your code with simple code snippets of don’t and dos.

Try re-reading some code you wrote “quickly” a month, six months, or a year ago. If the code is just a few lines long, you might find your way around, but if it’s tens or even hundreds of lines long, it might be different. The creator of Python, Guido van Rossum, puts it simply:

“Code is read much more often than it is written”

The code is more often read than written, see, the computer can understand almost anything, but you have to remember that code is written and read by humans. Let’s see how you can improve your Python code with simple and “Pythonic” practices. Several things are necessary to write a readable code: the syntax, the organization of the code, and the understanding of the language specificity.

String concatenation

Coming from languages such as Java or C/C++, developers tend to use and apply the same logic without taking into account that each language has it’s “best” way of doing things, take this example:


text_a = "Python is "
text_b = "awesome"

text_c = text_a + text_b


text_a = "Python is "
text_b = "awesome"

text_c = "{text_a}{text_b}".format(text_a=text_a, text_b=text_b)


text_a = "Python is "
text_b = "awesome"

text_c = f"{text_a}{text_b}"
Python is awesome

F-String are by far the best and fastest way to concatenate two or multiple string, because there is no operation (+) involved in the process. str.format() is better than the first method but still too wordy if you have multiple strings. Furthermore, with str.format() you can’t insert an expression or call a function while concatenating the string, example:

text_a = "Python is "
text_b = "awesome"

text_c = f"{text_a}{text_b.upper()}"

List comprehensions

A List Comprehension in Python is a mechanism introduced in version 2.7 and present in all subsequent versions. Its purpose is to quickly generate a list from an iterable object. This is useful when you want to filter a list or perform an operation on a list. Take this example:


list_a = [9, 4, 5, 12456, 655, 2, 4, 5]
list_b = []

for element in list_a:
    if element < 10:
[9, 4, 5, 2, 4, 5]

So you might ask what’s wrong with this code…nothing, but imagine you have a very long list and you want to optimize it, you need to thing in terms of operations, here the most important one is the append one, list comprehensions are here for you:


list_a = [9, 4, 5, 12456, 655, 2, 4, 5]
list_b = [element for element in list_a if element < 10]
[9, 4, 5, 2, 4, 5]

For one, it’s shorter and most importantly it’s faster, again sometimes if the logic is too complex you may want to still use the first technique because it can be more readable, but in most cases a list comprehension will do the trick.

Dictionary key access

A dictionary is an unordered, modifiable and indexed collection. In Python, dictionaries are written with braces, and they have keys and values.

Take this dictionary for example:

person = {"first_name": "Omar", "age": 30}

Let’s say we want to access and do a condition on the age, most common way would be to access the key age and perform a condition on it like so:


You can access items in a dictionary by referring to its key name, enclosed in square brackets and test on that condition:

person = {"first_name": "Omar", "age": 30}
if person["age"] > 20:
    print("Getting old...")
Getting old...


There is also a method called get() which will give you the same result:

person = {"first_name": "Omar", "age": 30}
if person.get("age") > 20:
    print("Getting old...")

The second method is better for multiple reasons, let’s say the key age is not present in the dictionary, the first method will raise a KeyError exception, but the second one will not, because the method get() has a default value of None if the key doesn’t exist. Let’s see if we can improve both code examples and compare:

  • Method 1:

Check if the key is in the list of keys, then perform the comparison

person = {"first_name": "Omar", "age": 30}
if "age" in person.keys() and person["age"] > 20:
    print("Getting old...")
  • Method 2:

Access the key, if the key doesn’t exist, the value will be -1 (default value) and then perform the comparison

person = {"first_name": "Omar", "age": 30}
if person.get("age", -1) > 20:
    print("Getting old...")

Reading and writing files

One way to store data permanently is to store it in files. To edit a file in python we use the open function. This function takes as first parameter the path of the file (relative or absolute) and as second parameter the type of opening:


my_file = open('file.txt', mode='r').read()

This will give you the content of the file without any issue, but the problem is that we never closed the file, see Python will probably close it for you, but you are losing control in you program and the garbage collector might sweep any change you made or sometimes the changes will only take into effect if the file is closed. The best way to avoid these issues is to use a context manager that will make sure the file is closed when all your operation are finished:


with open('file.txt', mode='r', encoding='utf8') as my_file:
    ## Do whatever you need to do

Inconsistent return type

For someone accustomed to Java, Swift or C/C++, the function return type is checked at compile time, so you don’t have to worry about it, but with Python it’s another story, you can’t return any type even though it’s inconsistent with the function purpose, example:


def get_max_min(my_list):
    if my_list:
        return max(my_list), min(my_list)
    return None

If the argument my_list is not None then return a Tuple of maximum and minimum value in the List, None otherwise. The problem with this function is the inconsistent return type, so you either always return a Tuple or you raise an exception if the List is None, or you can return a Tuple of None like so:


def get_max_min(my_list):
    if my_list:
        return max(my_list), min(my_list)
    return None, None

You can also improve this function by adding type hints:


from typing import List, Optional, Tuple

def get_max_min(my_list: List[int]) -> Tuple[Optional[int], Optional[int]]:
    if my_list:
        return max(my_list), min(my_list)
    return None, None


There are many improvements that could be performed, such as using print statements rather than the built-in logging module, or the use of inconsistent argument types for function and many more. One of the first step to improve your overall coding style is to use a strict linter such as PyLint or SonarLint and integrate them into your CI.

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